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Li Xiaodong: Entrepreneurship requires ingenuity and continuous innovation
2020/07/06 source:Northland Liaoning Daily Source link: Click:215second

"Starting a business requires ingenuity. My ingenuity is to lock in a goal in my life and do one thing - to keep crabs well." On July 2, at the Guanghe Crab Industry Co., Ltd. in Dawa District, Panjin City, I was deeply engaged in the field of aquatic products for 30 years. Li Xiaodong, an entrepreneur for more than a year, said.

Li Xiaodong, 55, is a native of Panjin. He has been engaged in aquaculture production and scientific research since he returned to his hometown after graduating from Dalian Fisheries School in 1984. At the beginning of his graduation, he was assigned to the Dawa County Aquaculture Company as a technician, and four years later he was transferred to the County Fisheries Bureau as the Chief of Production Technology. Because he prefers work at the grassroots level, Li Xiaodong took the initiative to return to the production line after only one year of working in the agency, and established the Dawa County Crab Development and Breeding Station. Since then, Li Xiaodong has had the idea of ​​starting a business, specializing in crab seedling and breeding technology.

In the 1990s, under the tide of state-owned enterprise restructuring, many people felt confused about the future. Li Xiaodong, who was determined to make a career, voluntarily gave up his public office and led his staff to establish Panjin Guanghe Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. (renamed Panjin Guanghe Crab Industry Co., Ltd. in 2012), and unswervingly continued to engage in aquaculture and research, and truly started the road to entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship must be ingenious, and it must be continuous innovation, rather than relying on the old. Li Xiaodong has been advocating innovation and keeping pace with the times since the day he joined aquaculture. For more than 30 years, he has insisted on scientific and technological innovation to lead development, breaking through technical difficulties one after another, such as industrial artificial seedlings of river crabs and ecological seedlings of river crab earth ponds. Station" business model.

The nine-story platform starts from the tired soil. Innovation comes from continuous learning and summarization. Over the years, Li Xiaodong has been "charging" himself for the enterprise while burying himself in the business. He not only was admitted to Dalian Fisheries College for a master's degree and Ocean University of China for a doctorate, but also hired more talents to do research and development together.

When Li Xiaodong took reporters to visit the company, the one who stopped to explain the longest was the R&D center, and the most introduced were the scientific research workers and scientific research results of the company. It is precisely by virtue of scientific research strength and technological innovation that the company began to take off and developed into a leading enterprise in my country's crab industry. Last year, it was identified as a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. And he personally has won the honorary titles of National Model Worker and Outstanding Individual of Employment and Entrepreneurship in the province.

"The road to entrepreneurship is full of thorns. Face reality, be down-to-earth, and face challenges bravely. As long as you work hard, identify a path, and persevere, all your hard work will eventually pay off!" This is Li Xiaodong's invitation to Dalian Ocean University's 2020 Graduation Ceremony The sentence he said in his speech was also a "gift" he gave to college students who were going to start entrepreneurship.

Reporter: Wang Minna Trainee reporter: Yuan Ying

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Crab rice family
Photosynthetic aquatic products

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