

Produce ecological boutiques to benefit thousands of households

Core Value

Loving family, trustworthiness, innovation and kindness

Adhere to "home", "faith" and "goodness"


1. Photosynthesis plan for the next 15 years:

In 2035, the photosynthesis will be built into a crab seed, crab seedling, and crab rice industry as the backbone, with the Clam Hill Ocean Ranch and the National Rice Crab Modern Agricultural Industrial Park leisure resort as the two wings, adhere to innovation-driven development, and strengthen the competitive advantage of the enterprise. , to become the leader in the crab industry.

2. Photosynthesis plan for the next ten years:

1. Within 5 years, locate a biotechnology-based enterprise, with crab breeding as its main business, and be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board or the Growth Enterprise Market.

In 2024, the IPO will be realized; by 2030, the sales of 10 billion yuan will be realized, and the market value will continue to grow.

2. Realize the stable benefit growth of Clam Gang as the financial support of the listed company.

3. The R&D center becomes the scientific and technological support of the enterprise, and accelerates the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into the company's products, concepts and models.

4. Bigeye larvae industry: integrate the north and south seed (bigeye larvae) markets. Within the first two years of listing, the company's market share of Macrophthalmia reached 30%, with sales reaching 100 million yuan. Profits exceeded 30-40 million yuan.

5. Buckle crab: as an extended benefit chain. With a marketing growth rate of 5 to 10 times, take the B2B business model, and expand the northern market with the brand advantage of Guanghe No. 1. The export to South Korea must stabilize the market share, and use the crab export to earn foreign exchange, so as to increase the income of the franchise farmers steadily.

3. Review of the development strategy of Photosynthesis in the next five years

1. Strategic goals

①Finance: In the next three years, the sales growth rate will not be less than 30%, the net profit will not be less than 30 million, and the return on investment will not be less than 15%;

②Business aspect: realize the whole industry chain operation from seedling to breeding and food processing, with crab as the leading role and shellfish as the auxiliary;

③ Capital: Introduce one to two rounds of venture capital investment during the strategic period, and finally realize an IPO on the domestic ChiNext or Science and Technology Innovation Board.

2. Strategic measures

①With the vision of building an IPO, and through cooperation with the government to integrate land and sea areas to obtain long-term management rights;

②Using the company + cooperative model, expand the scale of the company's planting and breeding, and form influence;

③ Construction of the National River Crab Joint Breeding Center;

④From breeding and food supply, to the whole industry chain of breeding, ecological food, and ecological food processing;

⑤ The transformation of the enterprise platform direction, the development of internal and external partners, and the formation of a co-creation, sharing and sharing mechanism and culture.

Business philosophy

Each department takes the company's mission, vision, and corporate values as the core, refines the department's business philosophy, and forms its own business philosophy and service concept based on its own management, service tenet, and direction of efforts.

Clam Hill

Integrity management, quality first, and achieving a win-win situation with customers are the top priorities for the sustainable development of Clam Gang.

Production sector

Survive by quality, develop by reputation, expand ideas, actively innovate, make full use of resources, and maximize output value and benefits.

R & D Center

As the birthplace of technological achievements of the enterprise and the main battlefield of scientific and technological innovation, in the face of national strategic needs and the needs of the people, it develops new varieties and healthy breeding models to lead the development of the industry. Through continuous technological innovation to enhance core competitiveness, solve production problems, inherit the spirit of truth-seeking and pragmatism, down-to-earth and look to the future.

Popular Science Benefit Agricultural Service Center

External: "Popular science benefits farmers and services first" - escort the majority of farmers by providing high-quality aquatic fry and professional technical services.

Internal: Build an entrepreneurial platform, focus on teamwork, reflect the value of life, and realize personal dreams.

Cultural Tourism Section

Establish the business goal of "providing high-quality agricultural education, popular science, practice and experience tourism service products"; adhering to the work style of "proactive, service first, two-way communication, and teamwork"; insisting that "everyone is an operator, You and I are both practitioners" business philosophy, and create an excellent team of "happy work, happy life, and happy life".

Service section

(President's Office, Human Resources Department, Comprehensive Service Department, Finance Department, Project Department)

Taking "sincere service and seeking common development" as the core concept, providing valuable services for the benefit-creating department as the purpose, improving service quality, creating a fair, law-abiding, reasonable and orderly working environment, and providing logistical support and talents for front-line departments Work support in transportation, financial supervision, and system implementation. In the process of service, do a good job of feedback and improvement of grassroots opinions and suggestions.

Headquarters provides services to various departments and has supervisory responsibilities at the same time. Supervise and report various behaviors of bases and branches that violate the company's rules and regulations to ensure the normal operation of the company.

Customer service hotline
Crab rice family
Photosynthetic aquatic products

Company name: Panjin photosynthetic Crab Industry Co., Ltd

Company address: 121#, Zhongxin Road, Dawa County, Panjin City, Liaoning Province

E-mail: mengfq@ceraap.com

Zip code: 124200


Popular Science:0427—3451567

Marketing Center:0427-3468333

Telephone / Fax:0427-6590017

© 2022 . all rights reserved . Copyright: Panjin Guanghe Crab Industry Co., Ltd. ICP:05015381-1
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